Monday, September 24, 2012

I want to ........

I want to drink from the clearest water,
I want to climb the greatest mountain,
I want to tread the longest road,
Its life, so bliss,
and I cant afford to miss.

I want to live life healthiest,
I want to help the many poor,
I want to be the funniest,
Its life, so bliss,
and I cant afford to miss.

I want to play in the beautiful snow fields,
I want to live at the greenest meadows,
I want to jump from the greatest heights,
Its life, so bliss,
and I cant afford to miss.

I want to sing a beautiful song,
I want to get the high so craziest,
I want to heal many souls untouched,
Its life, so bliss,
and I cant afford to miss.

I want to pray the God so beautiful,
I want to be the most joyous of all,
I want to leave my name on the wall,
Its life, so bliss,
and I cant afford to miss.

I want to travel  a million mile,
I want to do all things before time,
I want to leave world with a smile,
Its life, so bliss,
and I cant afford to miss.

PS: inspired from movie "Life in a day". 100th post too :)

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