Friday, January 27, 2012

self realization

I am feeling good that I am starting to curse myself and have taken an initiative to work.I have slept enough and do not want to sleep anymore.

I would like to be the way, I was.Work hard on consistent basis.Doing nothing and expecting things to happen based on the past coupled with complacency is not the right way.

I intend to get back to the things I loved to do once. Read a lot of good books, study and play.Enough of intoxication and  I mean it, enough of intoxication.

I will stick to fundamentals.Be honest and speak truth.

I will quit smoking and  smoke only while drinking.

PS: testing myself from tomorrow.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I intend to know what a term "friendship" is bound  @ an IIM is?

I being an impure person, who is pure in terms of friendship here ?

I know friendship is not bound by just a beer or emotions, but to know exactness or inexactness is the beauty of friendship!!'

I have friends in my engineering (at least few) who will f***** care for my life,  but can i gain some more further in my life further is my question!!!

PS: I am pure @ friendship only!! I don't intend to publicize.My friends do know about me.

PPS: I am drunk :)