Thursday, July 12, 2012

A fine balance

I fell down on the floor with blood oozing out of my mouth. A fading image of a man was calling for an ambulance while the rest of the people were watching me.I was put on a stretcher and carried into the ambulance.The pattern of honking sound  of the horn of ambulance was making me dizzy and I was loosing consciousness.

I was sure that It was my last day and started with a thought of rewinding my life from the start. The people I loved, the things I did, the gratitude I owed to people, the mistakes I did, the bitter things, the things I always wanted to do, but never did.

I  felt grateful to my parents to have done so many sacrifices which I didn't acknowledge well till late.I felt great for the friends I had ,who loved me , cherished few of the good experiences with them, the trips , the   weed, alcohol, Goa, strip clubs , the cafes  with tea and smoke, the mistakes I had done to few of them, and the mistakes few have done to me. Its always a fine balance.One thing balances over the other in one or the other way. 

I felt a sudden pain at my arm and tilted my head with all my energy.A nurse was injecting syringe into my arm with antibiotics.I tried remembering my next phase of lyfe and saw it unending.My lyfe will not be coming to an end without her, I thought.The time I spent with her was sheer bliss , I thought.The talks we had, the intimacy we had,the places we went to,I remembered all of them.I have had a photograph of all the moments with her in my mind.The first kiss with her, the first trip with her, the face of her brought a smile on my face , though smiling with a blood oozing around was painful, I took an effort to stretch my muscles.

There were sudden changes in our lives.After our studies, she was posted in a different city I was in.I was a Brahman where as she was catholic christian.She was getting married and I couldn't have imagined my lyfe without her.

Once the image of her faded in my mind, I felt unconscious, but some people were trying to bring me to consciousness. It was my mom, and dad who were crying and at the same time pushing me to be awake.I tried my best, but what best It could have been to my ill-fate.I was not in my control.I saw my best friend along with my parents and felt  relieved.I felt at that moment , that I can live my lyfe for these three people.I made up my mind in few seconds.I want to live.I have done a crazy fucked up thing of giving my lyfe for a girl  who is not even here. I agree that its not a mistake of her,but lyfe isn't that worthless to give it up.There are many things to live the lyfe for, and make a meaning out of it.It finally ends up being a fine balance.Happy with  the sad, good with the bad.I passed out in few seconds.

I was lucky to have lost few bones  and didn't had serious injuries after jumping from 7th floor.It took three months for me to recover and during these three months , I discovered love of my parents and friends.

It always ends in a fine balance.


Kushal said...

nyc one ra... u seemed to be in a hurry to finish it...:) trans said...

yeah, trying to finish in hurry as class awaits tomorrow :), thanx for the compliment.Still editing typos and grammatical mistakes.

Unknown said...

Yo. It's always this fine balance that keeps people in comfort. They start taking themselves to 7th floor as they start losing balance on lyfe. They just don't realize in time that they have/can find many other elements in lyfe to give it a fine balance.

Good one. As your friend said, give some more time to the post.
Very nice reminiscence of lyfe while on a stretcher, anyway. :-)