Monday, July 02, 2012


Sometimes It feels so good to confess your mistakes  and get things back to the way they were initially.It  is the best feeling one can have.Being stubborn on certain things might make you feel better in short term but long term reflections of being stubborn doesn't fetch  a good feeling. 

Relations are especially a sensitive thing to handle. The art of handling it is a learning which continuously evolves over the time.The negative feeling towards a relationship is not a great thing to have to oneself.It makes a bad person of you which you are not actually by nature.

Lyfe is about being good, doing good and living it to the fullest.It should encompass about what you want to do and nail it finally, and while nailing it, the feeling should be accompanied, cherished and spent along with your close ones.

PS: reminds me of a beautiful movie, "Its a wonderful Lyfe"

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