Hey back after long time. Its been quite a long time since I have blogged.
From past quite a days, due to different radical transformations happening in life, changes happening and those changes bringing again new changes reminds me of two completely different things.
firstly , darwin’s theory of evolution and secondly game theory. Both seem completely disjoint sets but they have hell of part in intersection. It can be applied to almost all the living organisms, all creatures in all forms, in their physical, meta physical forms.
Darwin’ theory very itself reminds me one line- the survival of the fittest. The strongest would survive. And the weak would bend.
Game theory can be defined as purposeful strategy for the desired outcome.
the human becomes the fittest by himself applying the game strategy with the people he is competing with , in various facets of life. Right from the school , he is forced to be the top performing student without considering even his area of interests. Then at the later stages he is forced to write an exam on every third day during every year from class 7th. He is expected to perform best and the student in this rat race tries to involve himself, puts his effort at the best and sometimes in vain, starts rebelling with both , his parents and his thoughts. Though the student has not been applying game theory knowingly or unknowingly at this stage , but in the later stages of life, with being hit by various things, people, choices ,starts being manipulative, clever, aggressive and lot more and learns applying applying game theory.
After completing his schooling , he enters college, makes a good bunch of friends, some close , some distant, some new , some old, some good, some bad, some generous, some selfish. By the end of college, he narrows his friends list to a count of 6 to 8 , which he supposes them to be his life time friends.
Then after the college, he enters the professional field where he learns very much about what exactly people are and here he starts applying game theory after being stung quite a times. H then recollects that his friend list is narrowed to 2 or 3 as some of his college friends are now slowly out of touch. He starts scolding himself for being such a loser after having earned nothing much in terms of self respect, friends, recognition etc. He regrets often but gets carried away with many other things which makes him forget lot of depressing things about him.
The guy feels himself interested about a girl at work and he finds ways to impress her. At last somehow he manages and sums up all his effort to propose her, and amazingly the girl accepts his proposal. They guy after being such a loser till now, in his life, thinks of him being finally the triumphant. His relationship is now 2 years old and the relationship blossoms pretty well. Lots of calls, sms’s , outings , tourings , promises, and what not else. And suddenly the girl’s father gets to knew about this and he looks for another guy. The girl’s mother makes a suicidal note saying that if she marries anybody against her wish, she would kill herself. The girl bends here, and they girl parents strategies the situation for their desired outcome. The stronger wins.
Meanwhile the girl stops calling the boy and this guy goes crazy and nuts without her call. He gets to know about the situation. The girl asks the boy to forget about her. The boy goes mad. Here the girl being the stronger, unknowingly strategizes the boy with a desired outcome, not of her, but her parents. The girl gets married to a different guy and the boy is back alone again. He thinks of himself as a much bigger loser and has lost interest in life.He attempts for suicide and he fails. He considers himself the biggest loser on this earth.. The boy parents to make the boy feel better, tries to fix him up with marriage. And then with time, he tries becoming normal.
The boy is now somewhat better after his marriage. Now after 6 to 7 years of experience he earn 50 k per month, has two beautiful kids. He never finds himself perfectly happy, though not sad also.. The life just goes on with same pace, no surprises mundanely. He himself is complacent after considering himself , the biggest loser on this earth.
The boy being bad at moves of game theory, doesn’t become the fittest and hence bends .
PS; I even don’t know why I wrote this. No intention of writing it, but finally formed this way :)
good... finally :)
Nice post dude linking two theories and showing them in day today life is very nice idea. Your thinking is good. Keep penning more All the best..)
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