Saturday, January 20, 2007

EMOTIONAL FOOLS (this is for u [:[)] )


Perturbed by the emotions,

Confused by the notations,

Lost in the deep jungle of imagination,

I am still striving for my conviction,

Without checking over the complications,

Leaving me with no options,

And kill out my navigations.

Everything is going above head,

Nothing is going the way, its said,

Everything is seeming so odd,

There is nothing to which I can hold,

I think I am living dead.

Everything is on the air,

There are many things I should do, alas, I cant dare,

Everything seems so distant , nothing is near,

bring me to life , oh dear,

I don’t have the liberty to cry a river.

PS : this seems so funny and hilarious. I tried to crap a poem and this turned out to be a complete kindergarten school " RHYMING POEM " . anyhow..done wid my poem, so its your turn to bear it now.I think i can coin a new word which you gonna sense and feel after seeing my blog regularly "BLOGOPHOBIA". [:D]


SJ said...

dude..honestly.......that was hilarious......interesting as well.....i dunno what 2 comment on .......was that poem aimed at something specific??????r did u just let ur crappy thoughts out without intent???????..........i think ur more of a free-associative writer........ keep bloggin...

AFAQ said...

great rhymes....
a good way to say..."life sucks"

Priyakanth said...

nice poem dude...
gud to c betr stuff cumin outta u...